Dr Jonathan Clarke is a geologist with more than 30 years experience in the industry, academic, and government sectors. He has worked in mineral exploration, groundwater, marine surveys, and salinity management. Research interests have included sedimentology, palaeoecology, environmental change, history and philosophy of geology, astrobiology and planetary geology and geomorphology. Jonathan is a Fellow and Director of ISCAST and lives in Canberra.
For tonight’s devotion I would like to share some thoughts that have been increasingly on my mind over the past few years. ISCASTians have been no strangers to controversy. Vigorous and sometime heated exchanges over how Christians should understand the first chapters of Genesis, respond to medical challenges associated with abortion or euthanasia, or to technological innovations such as nuclear energy or cloning are familiar to us all. We, as an organisation and as individual Christians in science and technology, have occupied a space that is sometimes seen as a no-man’s land between opposing camps, as compromisers and traitors to one (or both) sides, or as bridge builders between rival communities that see no need for a bridge.